Hampstead Educational Foundation
Enhancing the Educational Experience of Hampstead's Children
History of Hampstead Educational Foundation -
The Hampstead Educational Foundation was identified as a goal of the 1997 Hampstead School District Strategic Plan. Work started on the foundation during 1998.
In May 1999, HEF incorporated as a New Hampshire non-profit organization. As of August 2000, donations made to HEF are tax-deductible.
To accomplish goals set by the membership, HEF solicits contributions from individuals, groups, grants, foundations, public trusts, corporations, partnerships, and government agencies. HEF establishes priorities for foundation funds outside the normal tax supported programs. Last, HEF Invests, manages, and distributes funds as voted on by the HEF Executive Board.
Events sponsored by the Hampstead Educational Foundation -
Beverly C. Goodridge Memorial Scholarship HCS Music Program
Robert T. Nolan Memorial Scholarship Student Mentor Programs
Jonathan D. Grassbaugh Memorial Scholarship Storytelling Program
Teacher Grants Planetarium Program
Program Grants HCS – Invention Convention
Robotics Programs Destination Imagination Team Support
Art Ventures Support Origami & Math Project
Currier Art Museum Project
Annual Fundraiser - Festival of Wreaths